Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Is it possible for an average guitar player to get dunlop to make a custom wah wah?

Possibly, but you would need a quite a bit of money to do so.|||Here's all the info in the world about Wah-Wahs.


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|||money talks............|||Alternatively you could modify one, or build one from scratch....just google "diy wah" and you'll find instructions, schematics, etc......I'm eventually going to do that to my crybaby|||Just a thought and please don't take this the wrong way, but if you're an average guitar player why not use the money to get some lessons and become a great player. You wouldn't need a custom pedal then as you'd make a cheap one kick as*.

I'm guilty of buying loads of pedals myself to try to find that perfect sound. They're great fun but I think a great guitar player can sound pretty good on most gear.

Good luck though.

PS. The Boss GT-8 has loads of different Wah Wahs and you can program them to work in many different ways. It also sounds great in stereo with two amps.|||yes but it will cost you

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