Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What is the difference between a regular dunlop crybaby wah wah pedal and the dunlop jimi hendrix pedal?

i was looking at the wah wah pedals online and i want to get one but the jimi hendrix pedal is like way more than the original so i was wandering what the difference was and if its worth the extra money?|||I've got both at the studio. Here is the scoop. The dunlop is better for the wah wah expression because , if you depress the pedal and hold it there, the guitar sustains and screams which is a good effect. The sound has more range than the Hendrix.

The hendrix pedal is good if you are into Hendrix stuff . The wah this pedal produces is pretty well close 99% to what Hendrix sounded like as far as quality, tone etc... The Hendris wah is mostly based on its construction replicating the Hendrix pedal.

I prefer the regular but that's just me. I like a good response on the high end .|||just get a line 6 head and a marshal cabinet and make sure you get that board for the presets on a line six and your done|||Ive never actually payed the jimi hendrix wah pedal, but The main difference is either:

1)Vintage wiring specs or

2)its a recreation of a pedal which jimi modded

I think its number one because this pedal difinately sounds very vintage and very unique. I only think number two because many profesional musicians modify their pedals to what they like.(but i dont know if jimi did that)

Hope I helped!

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