Friday, November 11, 2011

How do you hook up a Dunlop Heil Talkbox to a guitar amp?

I just got the dunlop heil talkbox but when i look at the instructions it says you have to have a amp head and a cab. However i do not have a head or a halfstack. I have two amps a Fender-GDEC and a Peavey Rage 150 is there any way to hook it up using those two amps?|||Hopefully you bought it at a local store,

go and have them show you how to hook it up,

be careful, you can damage your amp, if you don't do it correctly

You need an amp, that has a "speaker output",

I don't think the Fender does, so that won't work

I don't know the Peavy, so I don;t know about that one

IF you use a solid state head, it's not as tricky,

if you use a tube head, you have to make sure that there is a load on the amp, at ALL times, or you will damage it.

I used to own one, but do not have one in fron to f me right now

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